Don't panic I'm not referring to me....Did I get you there? It is our new challenge for you over at Magnolia Down Under Challenges this week!!!!
I'm rather excited as I made this card from my new craft space!!! Finally I got it all set up, well mostly I am sure there will be some tweaking along the way....
Anyhow as I mentioned this week we want to see you creations using that can be fake or real whatever tickles your fancy. I have used fake as I don't own a sewing machine....maybe that should be on my list!
I decided to make a start on my Christmas cards...eeeeeekkkkkkkk where has the year gone? Scary how quickly it seems to pass us by.
Now I am about to dash but before I do please stop by MDUC blog to check out the amazing inspiration that we have on offer. Also see what the prize is this week.
Thanks as always for stopping by, until next time